There are many payment options including monthly installments that can be spread throughout the school year. If you don’t see one that is right for you, please let us know as we are more than happy to work with you. Contact Laurie Treganowen at (415) 458-5140 or at
What do KIK Donations Fund?
KIK raises funds to support enrichment programs and educational opportunities to benefit all students at Bacich and Kent. Learn more.
I Have Relatives Who Want to Donate. How Can They Contribute?
What great news! Any relatives interested in donating are welcome to contact KIK directly or give in any of the following ways:
Is My Donation Tax Deductible?
Yes! Your donation gift is 100% tax deductible. Please consult an accountant for details.
Will My Company Match My Donation?Corporate Matching Gifts are a great way to increase your donation. We encourage any parent who is employed by an organization that provides this invaluable program to contact KIK for more information. If so, your Family Giving Campaign donation might be eligible for a matching gift—in most cases, up to 100%! If your company is eligible, click on the Go To Matching Gift Form button to obtain and submit your company’s matching gift form. Some companies will match gifts made by retirees, spouses and/or board members. The impact of your gift could be doubled by submitting your matching gift form. |